Grievance Redressal Policy

The Grievance Redressal Policy is to provide employees with a framework for settlement of Individual grievances.

For the purpose of the policy, grievance means individual grievances and includes all matters but excludes the following:

  • Terms of appointment/employment settled and agreed to before joining
  • Annual performance appraisal/confirmation process
  • Grievances arising out of disciplinary action
  • Grievances arising out of termination or dismissal
  • A grievance already settled during the last six months


The objectives of the Grievance Redressal Policy will be:

  • To settle grievances of the employees in the shortest possible time;
  • At the lowest possible level of authority
  • To provide for various stages so that the aggrieved employees derive satisfaction from seeking redressal, if required, even from the highest level of authority.

The Role of The Human Resources Department (HRD): -

  • The role of the HRD in the operation of this procedure is to provide assistance and guidance to all employees but primarily to Line Managers/Centre Heads in its interpretation and application.
  • HRD shall maintain a record of all grievances referred to the grievance resolution committee, a number of grievances settled/pending, and submit a report to the senior management on an annual basis.


Grievance is defined as any kind of dissatisfaction arising out of an action or lack of it which This needs to be addressed to enable the employee to function efficiently and effectively. Broadly, it can be stated to be any discontent or dissatisfaction with any aspect of the organization. An employee may raise a complaint under this policy, regarding any matter relating to their Employment. This can include the following but is not limited to those listed below:

  • Duties of their post.
  • Locally agreed terms and conditions of employment.
  • Working conditions and environment.
  • Departmental procedures leave etc.
  • Any instance of workplace harassment.

Grievance Redressal Policy: -

Grievances will be treated with utmost confidentiality and sensitivity. As much as possible, the grievances should be discussed mutually with the person; the employee has a complaint with. Further, all efforts should be made to resolve the matter mutually without any external intervention. The intent is to promote healthy working relationships and supervisory practices


A. Informal Stage:

  • The employee should, in the first instance, raise the grievance verbally with their Line managers/Centre Head. In the lack of a satisfactory response, the grievance can be escalated to the Deputy Executive Director/Executive Director with information to the HR Head.
  • In case, the grievance involves the line manager, then the employee needs to approach the Centre Head/Deputy Executive Director/Executive Director.
  • In the case of a Centre Head wishing to raise a grievance, he/she should do so verbally with his/her Line Manager/Deputy Executive Director/Executive Director whose action or decision has given rise to the complaint
  • In the absence of a successful resolution of the grievance through discussion, a formal written complaint can be filed to the Grievance Resolution Committee as the case may be copying the Head HR.

B. Formal Stage:

Stage 1:

Where this is not successful in resolving the grievance, the written complaint/grievance letter must be forwarded to the Grievance Resolution Committee within 14 working days of the matter first being raised at an informal stage.

Grievance Resolution Committee and its role:

The Grievance Resolution Committee will receive all formal complaints on behalf of the organization. It will comprise of:

  • Any one member from senior management - Secretary General/Executive Director/Deputy
  • Executive Director;
  • Head of Finance
  • Head of HR and,
  • Anyone Centre Head of another centre (As nominated)

An investigation undertaken by the Committee will be in accordance with the principles of natural justice and will be undertaken confidentially and as expeditiously as possible with great sensitivity. The committee will submit the report along with its recommendations to the Deputy Executive Director/Executive Director in 14 working days. Any delay in the completion of the investigation needs to be suitably justified.

Grievance Redressal Policy, If there is no resolution of the matter to the satisfaction of both parties, the grievance will progress to Stage 2.

Stage 2:

  • The report of the committee along with recommendations will then be forwarded by the Deputy Executive Director/Executive Director to the Secretary General for review.
  • The Secretary-General will take a decision and communicate the same within 14 working days from the receipt of the appeal and his decision will be final and binding on all the parties.

Improper Complaints:

  • This policy shall not be used to bring frivolous or malicious complaints against anyone. Making a knowingly false complaint subjects the complainant to disciplinary or corrective action.
  • However, if a legitimate concern has been raised in good faith and an investigation finds the concern to be unfounded, no action will be taken.

Composition of the Grievance Redressal Cell:

  • Our Grievance Redressal Cell is composed of experienced and impartial members who are committed to ensuring the fair and just resolution of grievances. The composition includes:
Presence of Grievance Redressal Committee (Yes/No) Name of GRC Members Contact Details
Yes Mr. Ramesh Kumar 8800504847
Yes Mr. Rahul 9555311472
Yes Ms. Bharti 8448972689
Yes Mrs. Rajalakshmi Venkatraman 8851570692

For any inquiries or assistance regarding the Grievance Redressal Cell or the POSH Policy, please contact Mrs.Rajalakshmi Venkatraman CEO of ACE Foundation.

Presence of Grievance Redressal Committee (Yes/No) Name of GRC Members Contact Details
Yes Mrs. Rajalakshmi Venkatraman 8851570692

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.